Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Positive Tapering

As you start your taper to Region or State, you might start to feel anxious, crazy, and a little irritable. There is a great article in Runner's World on how to deal with taper anxiety. I've included a quick summary for those that don't want to read the whole thing.

There are 2 groups of taperers.

1) “Positive Taperers” – They feel energized, rejuvenated, and confident, and they are able to interpret pre-race jitters as a sign that they are eager to race.
2) "Negative Taperers"—feel wracked with anxiety and uncertainty and begin doubting the value of the taper.

"How you feel during your taper matters on race day." Confidence—or lack of it—is a key factor. "If you spend days on end feeling negative about your training and doubtful about your abilities, those attitudes can persist on race day."

Don't: Spend your downtime fixating on one ambitious, stress-inducing goal.

Do: Set multiple goals, including one that has nothing to do with the clock. Wanting to PR is fine, but it puts you under a heap of pressure to perform your very best. Set a "good," "great," and "awesome" goal. "The good goal is something that, no matter what happens, you can achieve." This could include not going out too fast, or maintaining good form on hills. "The great goal may be a finish time that is achievable, and an awesome goal is something that if all the stars, the sun, and the moon align, you can accomplish." That way you're going into the race knowing that even if it turns out to not be an awesome day, it can still be a great or good day.

Link to Article:

"How to deal with taper anxiety"

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