Sunday, May 19, 2013

Intro - Good Form Running

I'm assuming since you are looking at these posts you have an interest in becoming the best runner you can become. Many people don't realize the science and technique behind running. It is so much more than simply moving your legs faster. If you take the time to learn the science behind running you will run faster, longer, and more injury free. 

There are 4-basic steps to good form running and we'll have a post for each one. Each of you approach learning differently. Some of you will try and incorporate all 4-techniques at once and others will pick one technique, perfect it, and then incorporate another, or some of you will combine the two methods together and create a hybrid. Believe me, this is harder than you think and you will find greater success if you work on one thing at a time.

It is easy to over-think things and accidentally make your stride mechanical rather than natural and smooth, but if you choose not to work on it you'll put yourself at greater risk for injury, so it's worth the work. As you continue to work on form each of the steps will gradually become a habit and you'll fall in love with running even more. 

The four steps are:
1) Posture
2) Midfoot
3) Cadence
4) Lean
Studies have found that proper form will help you run faster, but there are runners who are just as fast with improper form. To me, the greatest benefit of proper running is less injury. If you have less risk of injury you can train harder and more consistently, which in the end will help you run faster and reach your potential.

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